
Friday, April 6, 2012

Exciting Developments

Exciting Development #1:
This week, as I was returning home from work, I pulled onto our street and noticed that there was some trailer-trash looking crap along the road. In our pristine little yuppy neighborhood, my 4-year-old hatchback with minor dents and scratches is probably considered an eyesore when I park it on the street. So when I saw this fascinating display of disgusting furniture propped up against the tree in front of my house, I could just feel the disapproving eyes glaring out at me from the nearby houses as I pulled into our driveway. They were all probably thinking, there's that tacky girl with her ugly and soiled trash bringing down the value of our homes. And rightfully so:

If only they knew, I feel the SAME WAY! In any case, the coffee table is finally gone! Not only that, but they decided that the mattress that they had been saving all year -- yes, the one with the poop stain that they had been storing in their garage and the one that ultimately caused THIS -- could also finally be disposed of. Unfortunately, you can't see the the really cute poop stain on the mattress. But I assure you, it was visible from the street, several houses down and really added to the overall "wtf is that?!" reaction that I am sure all drivers on our street experienced. I don't even care that the other neighbors would attribute these disgusting objects to me because of several other exciting developments.

Segue to Exciting Development #2:
We are moving! To our own house. In a completely different neighborhood. Where when we take our pit bull for a walk, the neighborhood people will ask to impregnate our dog and sell her puppies instead of crossing the road out of fear that she will maul them and/or their children.

Exciting Development #3:
The people downstairs are moving out at the end of the month! We have just a few more weeks with them (they will be moving a couple months before us) and I am enjoying the excitement of their impending departure! I didn't even pay them this month for internet. Just for fun. This is not really a "development" per se because our landlord had informed us of this awhile ago. However, he has also informed us of this in the past and it fell through, so I didn't want to get my hopes up too much.

What will happen to this blog, you ask? Well my hope is that they move in next door to, or better yet, underneath someone we know. I could then transfer blog rights to their new neighbors and we can all continue to be entertained. Only at the expense of someone else... not ME! So come May 1st, let me know if you get new neighbors any of these stories start sounding eerily familiar in your everyday lives.

Exciting Development #4:
I have graphed the preliminary numbers from the Electricity Experiment and the initial results are shocking. Stay tuned.


  1. omg i'm dying to know about the electricity graph. you sure know how to pen a cliff hanger.

  2. Yes, what happened with the electricity graph?!

    P.S. Maybe I should take over the blog! But I also don't want to, because that would mean our new neighbors would be blog-worthy. :(

