
Monday, April 23, 2012


I apologize for the lack of posts as of late! I know I am long overdue and I really hate to disappoint my loyal fanbase of 6 weekly readers. Some excuses I have include:

- we no longer have internet at home
- some personal life developments which made things extra hectic around here
- a mass email I received from management reminding us about what constitutes improper internet usage while at work, which I immediately took to be directed at me, and
- I forgot the password to this account.

As I am at work right now and am having a mild panic attack from being on an "inappropriate non-work related website," this post will be a collection of pictures that I don't have enough time to fully explain. You will get the gist though.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Exciting Developments

Exciting Development #1:
This week, as I was returning home from work, I pulled onto our street and noticed that there was some trailer-trash looking crap along the road. In our pristine little yuppy neighborhood, my 4-year-old hatchback with minor dents and scratches is probably considered an eyesore when I park it on the street. So when I saw this fascinating display of disgusting furniture propped up against the tree in front of my house, I could just feel the disapproving eyes glaring out at me from the nearby houses as I pulled into our driveway. They were all probably thinking, there's that tacky girl with her ugly and soiled trash bringing down the value of our homes. And rightfully so: